She Read
Publication Date: Feb. 25, 2020
Audrey Miller, an “influencer” with over a million followers has relocated from New York to Washington DC for her dream job where she is reunited with an old friend as well her ex boyfriend from college. Foolishly renting an apartment over the internet, she finds the basement location to be lacking in security. And, security is exactly what she needs as she is pursued by someone who has become obsessed with her via her online presence.
This is an engrossing, can’t put down quick read that is reflective of our social media crazed culture. Told from three different points of view, there are red herrings and surprising personalities. At times, the characters reminded me more of middle schoolers than mature functioning women holding down professional jobs……is that really endemic of that generation? Or, is that what social media has done to us?
Not to be a spoiler, but……..see if you can read this novel without putting it down and getting up to cover the webcam on your computer!!!!