Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies - Catherine Mack
Pub. Date: April 30, 2024
She read
leanor Dash is a bestselling author of mysteries. Her first book was a loosely masked fictional account about a real crime/mystery she and her then lover, Connor, were involved with. Her publisher and the public loved Connor and thus she was locked into including him in all the subsequent installments of her vacation mysteries series. But, she has had it with him and wants to kill him off in the next book. On a tour of Italy with Connor, her able assistant/sister, some other authors, her former lover whom she lost when she got involved with Connor, a group of fans, and an outrageous tour guide, it becomes apparent that someone is trying to really kill Connor and her as well. Some people do die and, as the blurb boasts, “eight suspects, three bodies”…..
It took me a while to realize I really liked this book. It was a fun romp through Rome and the Amalfi Coast and, despite the murders, amusing and lighthearted. Eleanor is quite funny and sarcastic; I loved that she often broke the fourth wall. The setting, especially along the Coast, is stunning and some of my favorite things about Italy (gelato, Aperol spritzes) are included. Her digs at Goodreads reviews will resonate with a lot of readers and authors! There is even some romance thrown into the mix.
Mack includes a number of foot notes…kind of asides that Eleanor made to further explain or emphasize something. They were clever and entertaining, but distracting and interrupted the flow of reading. Genre bending, this is a mystery/cozymystery/romcom/travelogue/comedy.
Thanks to @NetGalley and @stmartinspress @minotaur_books for the DRC.