The Murder of Mr. Wickham - Claudia Gray
She read
Publication Date: May 3, 2022
Written in the style of Jane Austen and borrowing her characters, this is a story of a house party at the stately home of the Knightleys. While enjoying their first evening meal, the party is crashed by George Wickham, who for many reasons, is despised by most of the guests. Due to bad weather, the Knightleys are forced to invite him to stay. This house party, which was to last a month, is interrupted when Wickham’s dead body is found. Who murdered him? So many had motive!
The youngest invitees, Juliet Tilney, daughter of the residents of Northanger Abbey, and Jonathan Darcy, yes, of those Darcys, challenge the mores of the time by launching an investigation together, parallel to and more successful than the official inquiry.
Despite the murder, this is a delightful story! Although its been a while since I have read Austen’s works about these characters (some who have aged here), the author does a nice job of filling in their backgrounds so I never felt lost. Gray remained true to the Austen writing style, even employing a good sense of humor. As a bit of a SPOILER, I thought the ending was quite satisfying.
I don’t think you have to be overly familiar with Austen’s writings to enjoy this book for its plot and reflection of the society at that time.
As an aside, am I the only one who thought Jonathan Darcy had a “touch” of what is now known as Aspberger Syndrome?
Thanks to #netgalley and #knopfdoubleday for the DRC.
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