Saturday, May 25, 2024

Fire and Bones - Kathy Reichs

 Fire and Bones - Kathy Reichs

Pub. Date: Aug. 6, 2024

She read.

This is the 23rd in the Temperance Brennan “Bones” series. Temperance is a forensic anthropologist who works both in North Carolina and Quebec. In this story, she is asked to come to Washington DC to help identify bodies that burned in a fire in an illegal AirBnB in Foggy Bottom. She is reluctant at first because she does not particularly like working with burn victims and she is about to leave on a vacation with long time lover, Ryan.

As she investigates, with the assistance of her daughter’s reporter friend, Ivy, she learns that the residence was used by the Foggy Bottom Gang for nefarious purposes in the 1930s and 40s. When another nearby structure burns and a descendent of the Gang is murdered, the mystery and the danger deepen. Of course, Tempe cannot help herself from probing further. 

I enjoy  Reichs’ writing. It is intelligent and she has a clever way with words. A good sense of humor comes through in Tempe’s witty observations. I always learn some new information from her novels, whether it be in the area of forensic pathology or something related to the plot.Reichs is a master at building up suspense at the end of each chapter with a tease that makes the reader want jump into the next one. 

I think I have read all of the books in the “Bones” series, however, each one works as a stand alone. While this might not have been the strongest plot in the series, it still made for an engrossing read. I look forward to the next one!

Thanks to #NetGalley and #Scribner for the DRC.


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