Monday, May 20, 2024

House of Glass - Sarah Pekkanen

 House of Glass - Sarah Pekkanen

Pub. Date:  Aug. 6, 2024

She read

Stella Hudson is an attorney who represents children in custody cases.  She is a somewhat damaged individual as the result of a traumatic childhood, but the one constant support in her life has been attorney now judge, Charles. When he asks her to investigate the case of nine year old Rose Barclay whose parents are battling for custody, she is reluctant because she usually does not deal with children that young. However, she takes on the task because it is Charles who has asked. 

There is something very amiss in the opulent Barclay home where the nanny, who was impregnated by the husband, jumped or was pushed to her death.  Everyone is a suspect and when Rose who exhibits traumatic mutism (as did Stella when she was a child) is discovered to be stowing away pieces of glass and other weapons, suspicion falls on her as well.

I have always liked Pekkanen as a writer. In this well plotted story, she creates a strong atmosphere of suspicion and foreboding. The characters, even the minor ones, are well developed.  Fast paced, it is an engrossing, suspenseful read with twists, turns, and surprises. 


Thanks to #netgalley and @stmartinspress for the DRC.

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