Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Perfect Nurse - Daniel Hurst

 The Perfect Nurse - Daniel Hurst

Pub. Date: July 1, 2024

She read

The prologue to this story finds a nurse burning her blood stained uniform and ID card. Skip ahead to the present time and find that Darcy is an anxious person who suffers from sleep deprivation. Her fellow nurse, Pippa, takes her under her wing, offering support, encouragement, and strong coffee as they have been hired to assist a married couple, Adrian and Scarlett.  Scarlett has brain damage from a fall suffered in her kitchen which has resulted in some type of memory loss/dementia.  Darcy is very uncomfortable in the situation and suspects Adrian may be harming his wife. When a strange man follows her and then someone seems to have broken into her house, her life begins spinning out of control.

Hurst has written a number of psychological thrillers, including the popular The Doctor’s Wife series. I like to call them “popcorn thrillers.” This is a clever plot, a bit over the top, and, for me, required suspension of belief. There are twists, turns, deceits, murder. It was a quick, easy, dare I say, fun read. 

Thanks to #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the DRC. 


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