Thursday, June 6, 2024

Gut Health for Women - Empowering your body from the inside out - Christine R. Scott

 Gut Health for Women - Empowering your body from the inside out - Christine R. Scott

She Read

Gut health is important not only to feel good but also because the functioning of the gut and the brain are intertwined.  Women and the influence of their changing hormones make focusing on gut health even more important. 

Utilizing a holistic approach, this book strives to integrate nutrition, exercise, and positive mental health to maintain overall well being.  The different stages of a woman’s life and her needs in those areas are discussed, with practical suggestions provided for each. I particularly liked the specific dietary recommendations.

This is an excellent resource for women looking to improve their gut health or take preventative measures for the future.

A comprehensive approach to women’s health, the only thing addition I would have liked are some specific recipes….Perhaps there will be sequel? 

Thanks to #NetGalley and #ToddRosenthal  for the DRC.


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