Saturday, June 15, 2024

Paradise Bronx - Ian Frazier

Paradise Bronx - Ian Frazier

Pub. Date: Aug. 20, 2024

She read

From his fifteen years of walking The Bronx, Ian Frasier has discovered much about this historic locale.  He presents a history of the United States, indeed the world, as it relates to The Bronx and what it, in turn, has given birth to.  It is packed full of interesting names, anecdotes, historical facts and love for that much maligned, very important borough. What was particularly meaningful was learning how bureaucratic decisions affected so much what was visited on the real estate and people of The Bronx. 

I wanted to read this book because my long deceased grandparents and mother lived in The Bronx (Bryant Ave.).  I grew up hearing them speak fondly of “Jerome Ave., Bruckner Blvd., Willis Ave." and other streets and the businesses, parks, schools, neighbors they enjoyed there and I wanted to know more about it. 

I learned so much!  This is a very worthwhile read for anyone interested in The Bronx, or just American history in general as well as urban anthropology.  It is long (almost 600 pages), but Frazier is an excellent writer who held my attention throughout.   

Thanks to #NetGalley and @fsgbooks for the DRC.


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