Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Nurse's Mistake - Daniel Hurst

 The Nurse's Mistake - Daniel Hurst

Pub. Date: Nov. 5, 2024

She read

OK, I admit it.  I am addicted. Daniel Hurst writes what I like to call “popcorn thrillers.” They are fast paced, easy to read, a bit over the top, and, dare I say, fun to read. (See The Doctor’s Wife series). This is the third in The Perfect Nurse Series. After the second one I wasn’t sure if I would read the next. Yet, here I am, reading and writing about it.

Darcy, once a nurse, has amnesia as the result of an accident. She killed someone, relocated to Florida where she kills someone else, and is now fleeing Florida to hopefully reunite with her family. Sister Pippa, also a nurse, was drawn into the drama and also killed someone. Now Pippa, her son and husband and parents are on the run. Got that? What danger will they find?  Will they be caught?  Will Darcy be arrested or will she escape once again?    

As in the prior books, there are twists, turns, deceits, and, yes, more murder. It also continues the question, how far would you go to save your sibling, your child, your self? And, yes, one must suspend some belief as those on the run encounter various situations.

Want to make any bets as to whether I will read the next book/series from Hurst?

Thanks to #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the DRC.


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