Friday, July 19, 2024

Fools on the Hill:The Hooligans, Saboteurs, ConspiracyTheorists, and Dunces Who Burned Down the House - Dana Milbank

 Fools on the Hill:The Hooligans, Saboteurs, ConspiracyTheorists, and Dunces Who Burned Down the House - Dana Milbank

Pub. Date: Sept. 24, 2024

She Read

Author and columnist Dana Milbank reports on what he witnessed while covering the current US Congress beginning in January, 2023. 

Given the state of political affairs in the United States why would I want to read this book?  Why do that to myself?  Well, I enjoy Dana Millbank’s writing and wanted to read more it.

This is one of the scariest books I have ever read.  Here is the chaos, the lies, the conspiracy theories, the "constant cultural and political warfare”, the attacks on our freedoms, the hooligans, “the sheer volume of crazy” that is Congress today. 

Well written and documented, with some biting wit, it is a good thing this is    a true account because if it were fiction, I don’t think I would find it believable.  It is a horror story gone awry.

This is a book that everyone should read or listen to.  The problem with it is that the people who should, won’t.  


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