Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tell Me Everything - Elizabeth Strout

 Tell Me Everything - Elizabeth Strout

Pub. Date: Sept. 10, 2024

He and she read

In the continuing tale of Lucy Barton, it is post covid time and she is still living in Maine with her former husband, William. As she goes about her daily activities, she interacts with familiar characters like Bob Burgess and Olive Kitteridge and we meet new people in her life. It is about “people and the lives they lead.” What does anyone’s life mean?

This is another beautiful novel…well thought out and written.  Strout is a gifted writer whose characters are idiosyncratic and delightful. This is about the living of life, particularly “unrecorded” lives, in all its poignancy.  There is sadness, joy, despair, hope. Written with humor and pathos, Strout, through Lucy and her other characters, is profound in her simple observations.  And yet there is also a reflection of the larger world and the divided country in which we now live.

Thanks to #NetGalley and @RandomHouse for the DRC.

He also really liked it.

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