Thursday, July 11, 2024

How to Piss Off Men - Kyle Prue

 How to Piss Off Men - Kyle Prue

Pub. Date: Sept. 17, 2024

She read

Written by an author/comedian and subtitled 109 Things to Say to Shatter the Male Ego, this short book is filled with questions, quips and retorts to help combat toxic masculinity, along with commentary by the writer.  

Given the title, how could I resist this selection?  A very quick read, it had me repeatedly laughing out loud and I have to say it takes something very good to make me do that.  A humorous break from some of the heavier reading I have been doing, it was a delightful read. I am going to try to remember some of the lines and hope I get to use them sometime.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #Sourcebooks for the DRC.


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