Friday, July 26, 2024

Framed - John Grisham and Jim McCloskey

 Framed - John Grisham and Jim McCloskey

Pub. Date:  Oct. 14, 2024

She read

John Grisham, best selling author and Jim McCloskey, founder of Centurian Ministries, recount 10 heartbreaking and frightening stories of people wrongfully convicted of crimes and the battles for their exonerations. 

Well written and engrossing, this non fiction book is absolutely chilling with the stories of innocent people who have been condemned, have their lives ruined, and, in some cases, put to death because police, prosecutors, so called medical or mental health professionals get it in their minds that a persn  or persons are guilty and have tunnel vision trying to prove it. They depend on lies, deceit, bribing criminals to lie, developing convoluted and impossible theories just to prove they are right. But, they are so very wrong.  

One case involved a woman who was doing her laundry ran out briefly to a convenience store where someone had been murdered.  When she tries to do her civic duty and calls to be helpful and share what she knows, she ends up being incarcerated and her life ruined.  A warning to all.  If you are ever called in as a witness or for any other reason involving a crime, ask for an attorney. Don’t worry that it may make you seem guilty.  If the authorities have it in their minds that you are, you don’t have a chance. Tell them you have read Framed and don’t want to proceed until your rights are protected. 

Thank you, John Grisham and Jim McCloskey for sharing these horrifying and eye opening accounts.

Thanks to #NetGalley and @DoubledayBooks for the DRC.


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