Sunday, September 22, 2024

No Mercy - Joanna Schaffhausen

 No Mercy - Joanna Schaffhausen

She read

This is the second in the Ellery Hathaway series. I read books 1 and 3-5 and wanted to go back and read this one that I missed.

Ellery is on leave from the Woodbury MA police department as a result of actions that occurred in Book 1. Receiving therapy and enrolled in a survivors group, she is approached by a young rape victim for assistance in finding her tormentor; the police are getting no where. She also encounters a victim of a fire that killed the victim’s son and thinks that the person arrested many years ago for the crime is not the true culprit. She feels compelled to investigate and calls upon FBI agent Reed Markham to assist. They have a history.  Ellery was kidnapped by a serial killer when she was fourteen. She survived because Markham figured out who the killer was and saved her. Markham puts in job in jeopardy once again to rush to Ellery’s side.  

I really like Schaffhausen’s writing and this book is no exception.  Once again, I stayed up late into the night to finish it because I could not put it down. It is another well plotted addition to the the series with good character development. The reader is also given insight into the role of behavior analysis in identifying criminals.

Thanks to #NetGalley and @StMartinsPress #MinotaurBooks for the DRC.


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