Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Rivals - Jane Pek

 The Rivals - Jane Pek

Pub. Date:  Dec. 3, 2024

He and she read

This is the second in what is being called the Claudia Lin series, the first being the very successful The Verifiers which I read and enjoyed.

Picking up where the first book left off, Claudia is co partner with two others in Veracity which, while maintaining a low, secretive profile, provides a service that investigates if those who post in online dating sites are truthful in their interactions with potential partners. When they uncover a possible AI plot by one of the sites which may also involve murder, they work to untangle a web of deceit.    

Similar to The Verifiers, this is a very contemporary story that is so much more than just a mystery.  There are family relationships, cultural stereotypes, information about the internet dating industry and the negatives encountered in our online, AI influenced world, as well as a homage to classic mystery and espionage stories.  I did think that it wandered around a bit in the middle but redeemed itself in the end. Those more in the know about all things tech than I am may not feel so lost.  

Thanks to #NetGalley and @AAKnopf @VintageAnchorBooks for the DRC.


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